Ericcalvario's Blog

Hard Work
December 6, 2013, 12:30 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

A common perception of “hard work” entails following through with an action to achieve a valued outcome.  As complex individuals, when the valued outcome is to cultivate ourselves, the very meat of the follow through has to involve sequences of stepping away and stepping back in. Something as basic of a concept as travel can hold so much gravity in parallel to the enigma of “working on ourselves”. We need to step out in order to truly step in. So what does this all mean? It means that when it comes to working on ourselves, follow through is not a one directional track. It’s more like sewing together a strand of actions, failures and accomplishments to gain perspective….and you can’t be the seamstress if you’re wrapped up in the threads. It’s a complex route to follow. The paradox is that hard work often entails giving up on some short term things in order to attack the bigger goal…and sometimes it’s those short term threads of the past are what you’ve been preparing yourself to step back into all along.

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